Learn2Code – Curriculum

Learn2Code - Curriculum

Our curriculum is crafted to equip you with the knowledge and skills demanded by today's dynamic tech landscape.

Learn2Code Curriculum

We've compiled a list of curriculumn

  1. General Introduction
  2. Fundamentals of Computer
  3. HTML
  4. CSS
  5. JavaScript
  1. About Us
    a. Learning Objectives
    b.  Relevance Of Coding/Tech & What The Future Holds
  1. Software Development(Web Design) 
    a. Internet Of Things
    b. WEB DESIGN – What is It? 
  1. Features of Web Design
  2. Internet & the World Wide Web (www) 
  3. Important Internet Terminologies
    a. Domain Names
  4. The World Wide Web (www)
    a. Hosting
    b. Servers
    c. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (Http)
    d. Hypertext Markup Language  (HTML) 
  1. Uniform Resource Locators (Url) 
  2. Specific Types Of Web Application
  1. Learning Objectives
  2. Definition
  3. HTML Structure
  4. Html Tags  
  5. Html Attributes
  6. Html Tables
  7. Html Cells
  8. Html List
  9. Html Forms
  10. Html Form Elements
    a. Input
    b. Button
    c. Label
  11. Html Comments
  1. Definition
  2. CSS Styling
    a. Inline
    b. External
    c. Internal
  3. CSS Attributes
    a. Backgrounds
    b. Padding
    c. Margin
    d. Borders
    e. Width/height
    f. Display
    g. Positions
  4. CSS Comments
  5. CSS Selectors
  1. What is JavaScript?
  2. JavaScript DOM
    a. getElementById
    b. getElementByClassName
    c. getElementByTagName
  3. Script tag
  4. JavaScript variables
  5. JavaScript comments
    a. Inline comments
    b. Multi-line comments
  6. Functions
  1. Prospects/Career Opportunities
  2. Where To Go From Here.
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